shaved ice plus some chopped mangoes and few drops of insanity...yum...this is my life...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Screw you history. You and your facts and information.
I just wish I didn't have to do all this. It's break, and for once I don't have any homework. Except for the fact that I'm not doing so well in my history class and need to study for the test when we come back from break. :'( If only break was like, i dunno, forever. :)
I mean, school's fun, but really? I've spent a century in school already. I've lived in three decades, two centuries, and two millenia.../and I'm not even twenty yet! And truth be told, I've spent a major portion of that time in school. So if the world does end in 2012, which would suck coz I really would've spent a whole life in school, I'm not going to sit back and let life hit me back. I'm gonna sucker punch it and do what I want. Oh yeah, there's my declaration of independence. Take that, Washington.
Truthfully, I have nothing against Washington. Or any of the presidents...well maybe some of them. But I don't want to learn history just so "we don't make the same mistakes our ancestors did". Bull****.
In the history book (which is right in front of me), I've already read about duplicate wars, compromises, and other things THAT HAS HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE. And I'm not even to the 1900s yet! So if THEY can make the same "mistakes" why do we have to work so hard to "TRY NOT TO MAKE THEM AGAIN?" Really, it's all just bull.
So now my fellow history friends, I, whois dying in some way or the other over history, will like to fight back and "kill it with my awesome". Take that history. And your facts. And nuggets. AND STAY IN THE GRAVE BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Some times...Things CAN change a life...drastically
You know, like a GRENADE. And yes, if you know what I'm talking about, say aye. Grenade by Bruno Mars. Gotta love that song.
Back to the task at hand.
Lately I've read a few books that may have changed my life, if not a lot but a little. The most recent one is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. And Ellie, I'm dedicating this to you, my best friend ever.
Usually, I don't read much deep books that require much thought or attention. I'm a fantasy/fiction, sci-fi, thrillers, suspense, mystery, etc. type. But sometimes, a life changing novel here and there is enough to keep me happy.
Thirteen Reasons Why. I don't really have to explain. After all, I don't have thirteen reasons why I read it. I just have one: My friend recommended it to me. There I read it. And guess what? I love it.
After hold still by Nina Lacour (which I REALLY recommend), I was interested in seeing what TRW would do to me. hold still made me think. A lot. And seriously. TRW made me wonder. Curious. And confusion.
I refuse to let you know why. But read it for yourself, and discover, (maybe), the meaning of life.
What is a good friend?
1. A good friend is honest.
A good friend may not share every detail of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about their intentions. This means that they try to present an accurate picture of who they are and of different situations. When something doesn't seem right, they let you know.2. A good friend is fun, unique and interesting.
OK, this is a given, and probably the reason you became friends in the first place. But there's a lot to be said for chemistry and shared interests.
As for fun, it depends how you define it: Some friends are fun because they're the life of the party, others are fun because they notice every strange little detail about a situation. Some people are fun simply because they see life like no one else does.
3. A good friend is attentive and adaptable.
A good friend is at least a fairly good listener and notices how little, day-to-day things affect you. They can't read your mind, but chances are they can usually tell when you're happy, sad, excited, shocked or upset. If they're aware that they're doing something that annoys you, they try to change their ways or at least talk to you about it.4. A good friend is supportive of you and your goals.
Sure, your friend may think you're cool, but are they on the same page as you? Do they know what you want most out of life? A really good friend will know what makes you tick and help you become the person you want to be. They won't try to change who you are or drag you into situations that make you uncomfortable or put you at risk of losing something that matters to you.5. A good friend is a friend you can trust.
A true friend won't try to steal your girlfriend or boyfriend, your job or your personality. They won't gossip about you constantly or try to damage your reputation. They will let you know when they're concerned and do their best to stick up for you when you're in trouble.6. A good friend makes it clear that they care about you.
Different people may have different ways of letting you know that they care about you. One person may give you a big hug whereas another person might gently tease you. A big clue that someone cares is that they talk to you fairly often and, in general, know what's going on in your life and act interested about it.7. A good friend sticks with you in good times and bad.
Loyalty is a quality almost everyone lists when asked what they look for in a friend. A loyal friend will stick with you when your new play is a flop, when you bomb the SATs or when your parents get divorced. If you move or switch schools, they'll do their best to stay in touch with you.8. A good friend accepts you for who you are, even when you're being a butthead.
In friendship, being accepting goes hand in hand with being loyal. A true friend rolls with the punches as you grow and change and know how to deal with your quirks and faults.
They are also patient with you when you make mistakes -- even big ones -- and learn how to forgive you when you hurt them. In other words, they treat you as you'd like to be treated, even when you aren't at your best.
And I would like to add two more:
9. Whenever you need someone to "toss" into a lake or "whack" on the head, a good friend is willing to stand there and let you have a go at them.
10. "A good friend would rob a store with you. A great friend would sit in jail next to you." :D That is a great quote.
Number 10 is: A good friend would approve of your crazy, borderline insane ideas or your obnoxiously spontaneous moments and do them with you.
;) Good friends are good to have. Great friends are even better. ;)
Monday, November 22, 2010
So, this week, it's going to be intense. I have SO much to do...yet I'm just blogging right now. Lol what a joke. ;) But I DO need time to relax; there's only so much you can do at one time.
It's been quite a while since I last did this, but I hope I shall continue.
Went to CCVH today, submitted my application. Interview tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Convinced my mother to buy me the most ADORABLE travel mug ever.

Nanowrimo. I'm behind. I am working hard...but seriously, I'm getting SO distracted. I decided to go to the library today after submitting my app and without tell the passengers in the car, I drove to the library. Needless to say, they were quite unhappy about it (especially my sister, since she wanted to go home), but since I'm the driver, they can't do anything about it unless they wanted to walk home. It's close enough, but still far. So, they stuck.
I raided the library since it would be closed for the next few days due to Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping they would give me enough inspiration to finish Dreamer, my first novel. And then homework...which I do not want to do right now. Just finished some busywork so I'm going to finish the episode I'm on and before I start the next one, I'll finish some homework first. Peace.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Love Love Love
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Costco and Dog Food
But as I was in Video Production early in the morning...yes, this is during video. :D Sorry but there's nothing better to do when the editing's on a different computer. I am helping, but my fingers can do other stuff while I help. xD
Anyway, I was searching up animal shelters to volunteer at. I was going to volunteer for the BEBHS when I turned 16 but because the shelter cannot train new volunteers because of their fire back in May, I can't really do any hands on with dogs there. :( So I was seeing if there were other nearby shelters around that I could help out at.
Got to the Pinole Shelter and one of the reviews was from Doggy Lama Pet Care. They had this blogspot thing going on and one of them was about Costco.
Here it is. :D Enjoy:
Silly Joke: “A Trip to Costco”
Friday, July 24, 2009
(BTW, I definitely don’t advise you to buy the brand mentioned in this joke for your dog. I think there are much better foods out there.)
Here’s the joke: A Trip to Costco
Yesterday I was at my local COSTCO buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Biscuit, the Wonder Dog and was in the checkout line when the woman behind me asked if I had a dog.
What did she think I had, an elephant? Since I’m retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn’t have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.)
Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me.
I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter’s ass and a car hit us both.
I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard.
Costco won’t let me shop there anymore.
Credits to: Doggy Lama Pet Care
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Clubs clubs and MORE clubs!!!
Basically everyone's gonna make one and we'll all be in each others clubs. Ridiculous right? I find it amazing. So now, I'm going to giggle and scribble more ideas and you leave me alone. :D Bye bye.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Weekend! :D Yeaya
Anywho, there are a few things I'd like to complete by the time I finish high school. #1: Make a music video. KAITLIN! You are needed. Olivia, too please. :D If you guys have time.
#2: Tennis. Like I literally NEED to. I'll get all fat and lumpy. Again. :(
#3: Finish my hw and survive Hunter's AP class. He's a hard teacher, but I'm having fun. :D His class discussions get less scary as they develop. phew. maybe I'll live. haha.
And lastly, my website. I need to hurry up the coding and all that. :( maybe i'll get my cowebbie to help me. Which reminds me, Club Day's coming up. I'm not sure I wanna create a club coz it's too much work and I don't know how it can work. But I'll see how it turns out. My P.H.A club, which I can have started in 4 different schools if I launch one at my school, could be pretty successful, but I'm drawing blank so far. Hmm...
If I do start one, would anyone join me?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Post 60 and Junior Year
Anyway, first week of school this year. O.o Kinda wow, because well, summer passed by really quickly. And in a year, I'll be graduating.
Life goes by fast. And now I'm going to start to get sappy because I'm listening to a sad song. :'( Boys over Flowers OST - Do You Know by Someday. Aka, "someday, you will know how i feel about you."
*sigh* New school year, new relationships. New people, new teachers, and possibly new friends. This is where I start getting depressing. So sorry if I depress you. I'll try not to, but when you think back to before and think of stuff now, it's sad how much things change, and not all for the best. Soon, we all move on. We change. We meet others. We don't stay the same.
Remember back in elementary school where you and your friends stuck together through thick and thin? Once we went to middle, it all changed. Moved away, grew apart, whatever. Something always happens. Then high school. And then graduation. Everything will change. For better or for worse, who knows? "The future holds possibilities we know not of."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
And now I'm going to take my permit test tomorrow. >.< I'm seriously worried that I won't pass. It seems hard. I feel like I know it, but I still am scared.
And driving? Riding shotgun in a car is different than being the one driving. It sure seems fun, but seriously memorizing all the rules, the signs, it's not that simple. Basically it's all common sense: Watch the road, don't fight for it, blah blah blah. But once you're behind the wheel it's different. And I haven't even been behind the wheel. I'm already quaking in my pants. :( any advice anyone?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Close to going INSANE
So now, my lip is basically split in half and it's not pretty, lemme tell you that.
Procrastinating...when will I get off my lazy butt and do something? Grr...anyway, I really need to get SL back on track. By the way, meet Kai, now all pretty and dressed up in pink diamonds and cover. <3
Guitar's almost over. Cute guy in the class, too bad he's not single. *shrug* Anywho, I still haven't gotten my permit yet which sucks because I'm getting in trouble. And what else? Tennis is awesome. Love that class.
Gotta go to guitar now. Later. Peace.
Last complaint: When I used Facebook, no one used it. Now that I swore off Facebook, guess what? EVERYONE'S using it....I hate you all.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Carrot Cake Muffins to Perfection
Don't get me wrong. They're edible. And they taste good as well. But I tend to add too much sugar, lose count on how many cups of [whatever] and it looks all goopy and just plain weird. Then when I stick them in the cups and bake them...and wha-la! Perfection. :D
You know how every recipe has a secret ingredient? I'm wondering what mine can be...maybe it's the whole cluelessness and the inability to measure properly. How I got an A in Foods last year is a wonder to me. ^.^
With me and baking, it's a simple math problem. Me+Kitchen=Disaster. Isn't it brilliant? I mean, last time Rain and I made brownies, we totally forgot sugar. I mean, that's like the main ingredient. How can we forget the sugar? However, we conjured up some magic powder and they tasted great. We even have food critics as well. ^.^
Next, our Mandarin Cooking show. Rain and I were making Wonton (and soup) and mango pudding. We made the mango pudding first, because it needed more time to set. (You know, it's jelly-like so it needs to sit in the fridge). Anywho, the gelatin was lumpy and looked like poo. Yes, POO. You know, the ones in the toilet? Yes that. (Not to mention that the pot looked like a toilet as well. xD) Well, turns out they tasted great. :D Can you believe it? No parents' help whatsoever. All done by ourselves. ^.^ And kinda without the recipe as well...seeing that we lost it in the middle of chopping mangoes. O.O
Wonton Soup. Now THIS is a GREAT story. We made a HUMONGOUS pot of soup. The wonton making is pretty simple. We basically tossed everything together and wrapped it in the dumpling skin. (Except instead of having chopped shrimp, we turned it into shrimp paste. xD If only you saw...)
The soup was the hard part. You might be thinking, how hard can soup be? Well, apparently very. We used chicken soup and because it might be too salty, we added water. Lots of it. And guess what? It turned bland. REALLY really bland. It was awful. So me and my brilliant mind, decided to add some salt. It tasted better, but something still tasted weird. And so we added basically everything we could think of.
"More salt!"
"More onions!"
"More water!" ...still not good. So I said, "Fine. If we screwed it up, might as well try it." In went sugar. NOT just regular grandulated sugar. Because we ran out of sugar halfway, guess what went in? Not brown sugar. Not even close. POWDERED sugar. The whole half bag of it. :D It was funny because powdered sugar is usually for dessert. We used it for soup.
So, end of story, since I'm pretty much boring you. Success..once again. Man, am I blessed with an ability to cook despite not knowing anything? :D That would be pretty awesome, though I'd rather have the ability to manipulate things with my mind. That would be better, but hey, you can't have everything, can you?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Writing a movie script
Anyway, finals soon. Need to study for...EVERYTHING. I'm so frickin' screwed. >.<
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Most Epic Battle on Youtube
How it started: According to Kurt, he was playing the recorder in the living room when Jake, his suite mate, comes in and says no one can play a song on the recorder.
Well...Kurt showed him.
And Jake called back...
Only to have Kurt serenade him in the moonlight...
"Game on, Kurt"...can Jake beat Kurt?
So Kurt did what he could...gave Jake a lullaby, hoping he would fall asleep...
Now...was that epic or not? So now, we're just waiting for Jake's response...or is he admitting defeat?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
History of Kpop
Anyway, my journalism final is on kpop. *cheers* Yes, I know. :D ^.^ So I got some great quotes from several friends and I think it's an okay article. Not so positive about it, because NO ONE wanted to edit it. >.< But at least now, it's acceptable. I'm hoping for an A.
Well, more tomorrow. And guess what? No more poems! And you know what that means?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tripping? or Falling?
More poetry today. :D
Song: Nikki Kerkhof - How to Break A Heart
Once again, you ignore me and pretend I don't exist.
You look right over my head and the person behind me.
I try to talk to you, but you turn away.
I stop myself from feeling this way...
only to fall once more when I see you.
How's that for poetry? ^.^
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Response to A wonderful Message by George Carlin
Read if if you haven't. It's good.
Response to A wonderful Message by George Carlin
Technology has pretty much taken over the world and mankind. Everything we do is based on technology, upgrades, and electronics. What we have now, what we use are all fast and efficient. The question is: Is it good? Is it right? In this message by George Carlin, he is showing us and proving to us that despite all the efficient, high-tech gadgets we have invented, not only do they NOT help improve social relationships, they are drawing and pushing us away from them.
We have emails, chats, and Facebook. Why do we need to talk to the other person in person, face-to-face? That is the problem these days with many teenagers. For example, a girl breaks up with her boyfriend. Instead of telling him in person or even over the phone (which is already bad enough), she breaks up with him over email. Not only does this hurt the other tremendously, it also shows cowardice.
These days, I’ve witnessed, that not many people are brave enough to talk to a new person in their neighborhood, work, class, anywhere. For the most part, they ignore them completely. True, there are some people who are very social and friendly, but for the most part, many are afraid to step out of their comfort zone, to wade away from the life preserver and swim by themselves.
We have big dreams and hopes. Yet hardly any gets accomplished. We either forget about them or simply think it would be a waste of time. Of OUR precious time. Everything is about us. Me. Hardly anyone thinks about someone other than themselves. George Carlin is trying to tell us to stop being selfish, stop thinking that the world revolves around you and be real, not a fake follower, following what the rest are doing, or a selfish, worthless clone dumped into the world for no apparent reason.
Be someone. Be an Individual. Everyone is different; everyone has a purpose in life. Maybe you haven’t discovered what your purpose is or who you are yet. Not to worry. Many people are just discovering their identities. Don’t be afraid to stand out, be special. Do something different. Make a choice you normally wouldn’t make. Make a plan or goal and stick to it. “Many things start small and end big.” Yours could too.
-Essay.Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:42PM
More essays/stuff I wrote: My Written Work
Guys' Point of View
>And even written by a guy!
> You might agree with it, but
> when it actually happens 99% of girls don't realize it 'til it is too late
> and that guy who did it is so frustrated that he has moved on to someone who
> will take notice.
> From a guys point of view:
> We don't care if you talk to other guys.
> We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
> But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room
> and you jump up and tackle him without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.
> It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without
> even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.
> We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned.
> ; Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till he morning.
> Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/
> Don't tell us we're wrong.We'll stop trying to convince you.
> The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
> Yeah, you can quote me.
> Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
> Take Advantage of the mood im in.
> We enjoy doing it.
> It's expected.
> Smile and say 'thank you.'
> Kiss us when no one's watching.
> If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed.
> You don't have to get dressed up for us.
> If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the
> need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own.
> We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.
> Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's.
> Or my t-shirt and boxers, not all dolled up.
> Don't take everything we say seriously.
> Sarcasm is a beautiful thing.
> See the beauty in it.
> Don't get angry easily.
> Stop using magazines/media as your bible.
> Don't talk about how hott Morris Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us.
> It's boring, and we don't care.
> You have girlfriends for that.
> Whatever happened to the word 'handsome'/'beautiful'.
> I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with 'Hey handsome!' instead of 'Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy' or whatever else you can think of.
> On the other hand im not sayin i wouldn't like it ether.
> Someone who will honor your morals.
> Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.
> Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.
> Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.
> Someone who will stop what theyre doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..........AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT!
> *****Give the nice guys a chance*****
> Holdin Hands- Girls : If you want to hold his hand, gently bump into it a couple of times.
> Guys : Grab it if it happens more than once.
> Cuddling- Girls : When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold.
> Guys : Automatically move closer to her..
> Movies- Girls : During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt y our head on his shoulder
> Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her.
> Loving each other- Guys : When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too.... And mean it.
> Laying below the stars- Girls : When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
> Guys : Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers. Now make a wish about something you would like to happen Between you and your crush....
> guys: no grabbing!!!
> Guys repost this if you agree.
> Girls repost this if you think it's cute.
> Every Guy who isn't a jerk will agree with this, so we hope that all the> girls that read this will repost this .
> Now copy and repost this; if you don't you'll have bad relationships for 69 years.
> By 12 am tonight your one true love will r ealize how much they want you.
> If you don't repost this, you will have bad luck for your entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> repost as: Guy's point of view
Isn't it cute??? I love it! ^_^ Love y'all!!!
*wink wink* 'Specially my beloved younger sister, minniie!!! Love you minniie! *hugs*
Dear Boy
I see you every day at school. I cannot tell you, but I still like you. I watch from afar as you smile and wave at other girls, as you talk to them, I am hurting inside.
Ever since last year, you've caught my interest. At first, I figured I'll be over you by the time the school year starts again. I was close, until I found you in two of my classes. Now, I can't stop. I cannot deny my feelings for you. Too bad I cannot tell you.
I try to be mean to you, be emotionless, be DIFFERENT when I'm around you. I don't smile, I don't speak. It doesn't always work out. You smile, you grin that cute grin at me and I melt. I smile back.
Whenever you're around, I stutter when I speak or be totally mean. I snap back with vicious insults or I deliberately make you look bad. Maybe this is a way for me to get your attention.
You have friends that are girls that are always laughing and smiling, cracking jokes, and being sweet to you. I am the opposite. I like you, I like you a lot, yet I'm to shy to admit that to you in your face.
If you read this, then this means you would know. If you do and feel the same way, please let me know. Unless you prefer not to.
Usually I'm bold and daring. But towards you, I'm as shy as a mouse. Boy, I like you so much, it's scary. If only you know how scared I am. I have NEVER felt this way towards a boy before. If you let me know, I don't know what to do.
But after spilling out my deep secrets, I feel a lot better. Thank you for listening.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Gah! Panicking....again..-.-
Checking out some unis, Stanford, NYU, etc b/c I'm reading Gossip Girls, so I know a few Ivy Leagues and universities in the East Coast. But it's about time I start looking and deciding what I want....or I can wait until senior year, and apply to every place I can get an application on. xD Plenty of choices then. :D Haha.
Anywho, journalism final project. I'm writing about Kpop, mainly introducing it to my school. It's pretty okay so far. Got some good feedback/quotes/interview...things. :D Back to math again.
[36 minutes later] Progressing nicely in math. At the right pace I like it. xD Err...a bit slow for my liking, but at least I'm working, right? :D I NEED to get my enrollment application BACK from the office. FIRST thing tomorrow morning. MUST MUST MUST get it back. *makes a mental note* I'm so easily distracted these days. ...>.<
*slams keyboard* I hate you Blogger. Stop screwing things up just because you CAN'T seem to know what is WHAT! Grr....>.<>.< Well, I don't swear, but still.
Whole bunch of stuff, Super Junior's new song, Bonamana. SO amazing. I <3 it all. Some people don't like it, but I do. So hey, everyone has a right to voice their opinions. Album name is Bonamana, meaning Beauty, and I SO agree. Their sexiness, amazing voices, and just plain perfect. *sigh* Fangirling here. :D Anyhoo, still kinda pissed at Blogger for deleting everything. I hate you blogger. *repeats a million times*
So, what was it I was saying? Super Junior. Their comeback was amazing, minus 3. Kangin's on military leave, Kibum acting, and Hankyung...wherever he may be. But guess what? Several ELFs heard Hankyung's voice in Shake It Up (I believe?) so maybe it's all just a scam to make us pay attention? Whatever it is, ELFs are cheering for 13 again. Let's hope it may be true.
Enough of me sulking b/c no matter what I write, it still won't be the same again. Just a song rec: Bobby McFerrin's Don't Worry, Be Happy. BEST song ever. It is so amazing. I'm not even kidding. Check it out. And guess what? I am a big fan of "old" songs if I may put it that way. I'm not sure what they're called b/c some of them aren't exactly that old, but they were...well, not so popular anymore. This song will make any bad day turn around. "You had a bad day, you're taking one down, you sing a sad song just to turn it around~" Yeah. :D As James said, many people these days don't sing just to sing. It's turned into the money talk. The older songs were full of feelings and...they sing just because they want to sing. It's not about how much money you make, or how popular you are. If you feel like screaming out a song, belting out lyrics, go for it. Singing just for fun is the way to go. Don't not sing b/c you're worried you might stink and everyone would laugh at you. Let them laugh. They're just embarrassed that they can't do what you're doing: Having fun. So, don't worry, be HAPPY!!!
Gou Gou
P.S. I officially HATE blooger. It deleted my WHOLE post which I've been working on since 7. >.< Stupid blogger. But I'm still happy stil. xD Because, don't worry, be happy...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sick and tired. Of everything.
It's been a long time since I've felt like this. And right now, I'm not in going to try anymore. I'm done. I've tried for a long time. And I can't deal with it anymore. They can say whatever they want, feel sorry for themselves, WHATEVER. I'm just not going to care. Whatever they do, well, who cares? Maybe other people might. But guess what? I don't.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Another day at school
I have a Brave New World quiz in English tomorrow. I am proud to say that I studied. Using Sparknotes, but I still studied. I have finished all homework. It's been a while since I actually had an HOUR and more to kill before I hit the haystack. Usually, I'd be doing homework until 10, sometimes even 11.
Need to finish Boys Over Flowers. I absolutely LOVE that drama. If you haven't watched it, I definitely recommend it. Mysoju has it, but it skips whenever using YahooVideo. So I recommend DramaFever. Great quality. Has subtitles. AND it has every part. Take out the few seconds of ads here and there and it's magnificent. Bonus: It's LEGAL. Not that linking other sites isn't, but Youtube is cracking down and so are other sites. And Mysoju is based on linking other sites to it, so yeah. DramaFever's the way to go. If you want more info, contact me. Or find out at Dramabeans.
What's next? Brave New World. Written by Aldous Huxley, who in my opinion, was a total crackhead. And I'm pretty sure I'm right. He probably has experimented with every drug. He was totally crazy. "...[s]he swallowed a horse. [s]He's dead, of course." But what he wrote is actually coming true. Test tube babies. Let's hope that's all it goes to. If it gets worse...well, I probably won't be alive to see it. You might not be too. But you'll never know. Maybe I'm a sorceress and you're immortal and we'll live to see the end of the world. Then we'll teleport to another world/planet/whatever and we'll continue to live there. I would continue this blog of course. But by then, the computer will probably be outdated. The internet will probably be as ancient as writing letters pen to paper. Humani then probably communicated telepathically (with a computer [chip?] implanted in their brains). Or sin waves. Who knows?
That book is something you WOULDN'T expect in an English class. But it's considered a classic. Which led to my English teacher telling us it's okay to take drugs and have wild hot sex IF our parents don't know. O.O Apparently she's playing the devil's Advocate, but she's trying to corrupt us. I just know it. She's evil...
At first we had an option with our Chem test. Take it Friday, or take it Monday. I naturally would opt for the Monday one, because it gives me more time to study. Turns out there was no other option. Everyone's taking it Monday because she's not gonna be here Friday. Whoop-de-doo. She's always missing. >.< But when she's not here, we don't really do anything. ^.^ Yippee. So that means I'll have to study for the test, starting today and through the weekend. And I WILL. I aced the last one...err..I got an A, which is amazing seeing that I haven't been doing that well in that class this year. I want to raise my grade to a solid A and KEEP it there.
Birthday party coming up soon. I need to get a present...*sigh* Will have to do that soon. So much things this week. But as you know, it's just another day at school...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Just plain tired.
Everyone has good days and bad days. For me, I guess I'm just plain unlucky. I had a self-custom made bracelet that I wear to keep my "balance". I'm balanced all right, but with it on, it's a bad day for me. And it isn't the first time.
First of all, my Journalistic project went from HURRAY!!! to WTF!?! in a matter of seconds. We managed to scavenge most of it, but the interviews are messed up. Which REALLY sucks...because the rest was easy to redo. The interviews weren't. >.<
Next, [and I am still mortified] was in English. My "wonderful" Devil's Advocate teacher called on me. And believe me, she NEVER calls on me. >.<>.< I hate that class now. I never really loved it, but it was okay. And I HATE [emphasized] to answer questions in class. I should've done this instead, IF MY BRAIN (which so wonderfully malfunctions when I NEED it) was actually working. -.-' I normally would've replied "Sorry. But that's top secret." Instead I babbled a TOTALLY wrong answer. She had the decency to say, "Well, that's not exactly it." I wanted to bang my head against the desk and/or kill myself then and there.
I hate it SO much when you think of the greatest comebacks or things to do AFTER it has happened. *wails in misery* Thank GOD the class was only HALF full. AP Euro testing. Poor them.
Anyway, this week has been pretty on and off. I was asleep for a HUGE part of it. Really tired. I can't take anymore of it. I'm pretty sure I'll collapsed if I continue. TGIF.
Ending on a curious note, girls confuse me. Boys REALLY confuse me. And add them all together? I'm one big question mark. I understand most girls. After all, I am one. (Or am I? ;D) But guys? I can't. I tried. No success. They are like the perfect mint chocolate cake (that I so want to make) that cannot be perfected. I give up. If anyone wants to explain and clarify, please don't hesitate to help me out. I really would appreciate it. Thanks.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Life screws with us...
Say, we are in a doll house. And he's the big meanie looking down on us.
Never mind. I'm just SO out of it. T_T AP testing this week at school. And I always get affected by what others are feeling. So I'm so whacked. And NO, i'm not on drugs. -.-'
Let me tell you a secret: I'm a witch. I can move things with my mind. When I get out of control, or when I cannot control my temper, things start to fly around. It gets really crazy. That's why no one has seen me really mad before. Because I'm required to keep this wizardry under radar. But I'm telling you. But you won't tell anyone, would you? Because if you do, I can make your life miserable. I can be invisible, teleport, go back in time, morph, levitate, and many more. One of my scariest talents is the ability to detect what people are feeling. I can change their moods. I can...I've already said too much.
Don't tell. Or else you don't know what might happen. I'm a Gemini, meaning I have two moods, maybe even more. And I'm born in the year of Fire. And you know what that means right? Be careful. There are more out there. And some are rogues...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
First of all, I NEED to find my stinking flash drive that suddenly developed legs and ran away from me. Just like cats do. NO kidding. Cats do NOT like me. There's something that makes ME scared of THEM and them scared of me. Complicated relationship - let's not go into that.
Anywho, I want to change blogs. Once again. Probably not. Though I'm really REALLY tempted to get a LiveJournal. I had one a few years ago. Didn't use it. Not much. My entries are lame and uncoordinated and are all just ranting and how much I want to
Back to topic, whatever it may possibly be. I NEED to finish the Driversed course online and get my permit. That's my goal. BEFORE my birthday...which is in like a month. So better get this lazy butt up and moving, that is. It's ONLINE. Jeex, I'm SO hyper right now. -.-'
Took my baby for a walk. I <3 him SOOOO much. It's got to be unhealthy, but if I die early from loving him to death, well, it's worth it.
Took a little fun quiz (see last entry). Cute. Got some stress away. Mostly, I'm kinda done with everything. Done with photo rot. T_T I WANT MY FLASH DRIVE BACK!!!!
Another change of topic. I absolutely DESPISE a certain person, which I'm sure everyone is pretty obvious about. Or else I would seriously kill myself if I cannot get rid of ...grr...I'm not really gonna go into it, because I'm in an overall good mood.
Let's leave this happiness here. End of a good note. See ya!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Birthday Party
Anyway, it was amazing. EVERYONE was DRENCHED. Not kidding. There was no one NOT wet...except her parents...but they locked us outta the house. It was so much fun.
The goodie bags were great. I thought it was better than my present to her. =D Anywho, it was totally great. We had a dance off later on and that was fun...
Now...this was a few days I don't remember all the tip top details. Overall? It was one of the BEST birthday parties I've attended....though it won't top my summer school-out party..aka Party for the June Babies. =D Everyone in June...HAPPY EARLY BDAY!!! ^_^
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hectic week and maybe more ahead
Anywho, this week was one of them. Starting Wednesday, I stayed at school until 9:30 sometimes 10pm before I got home. good thing was that I got my homework done.
Dance concert was amazing. Saw it today again in 2nd period and absolutely amazed me. =D Loved the rivalry when Acalanes did their AHS with their glowing hats and the audience booed. ;D rivalries. So amusing.
Got an amazing henna on International Night. MAYBE post pictures of it, twin dragons, as I am a Gemini. :D Totally awesome. Makes me feel so gangster-y and all that.
Will end this now. I had a lot planned to say, but b/c I'm going to be here and there for the rest of the week and maybe more, I can't stay long. Party prepping and birthday party tomorrow. Next week is Mother's Day. Need to get her a present, maybe play a song...but I need to practice and LEARN it first. Aish, so much stuff to do. Not only that, I also need to find interviews, interview people, all the journalistic fun stuff. Yay. Not really.
"Good night and good luck." See ya.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Life's Getting drama at a time...
My neighborhood near Richmond is no biggie. Basically no one knows of it. Except for the fact that we're near highway 80. But they don't care, not the federal whatevers. Certainly they didn't when we campaigned to get an 'improvement' to safe-ify our neighborhood.
Anywho, once drama starts, it gets juicy. ;) And guess what? We ended up on the news tonight...only for about 3-4 minutes, but it's enough to show that our little neighborhood IS a place where people live as well. now I've talked about nothing for the past few sentences so lemme say what really happened:
May not be able to go to school tomorrow. Reason:
The entrance to my neighborhood gave away and now there is a humongous hole in the ground. Two cars fell into it and reports say that the first car had someone in it while the second one had no one. A boy fell in later though I'm not exactly sure when.
The man in a silver car was right behind the two cars and saw the whole thing. Now he's in shock and is sitting in a stupor with his car still running.
Police have now quarantined the people in the neighborhood from exiting or entering. Before, you can exit only, no entering. Now it's no exiting or entering.
News helicopters have been up and about since 6 pm. Wonder how long will it take for this to air? =D
Now, the question is: How long will it take for it to repair? One day? Two days? There are police, ambulances, and fire trucks outside. And we're not allowed to leave. What to do?
just a sidenote. KOFY news (TV20 Cable 13) aired a live footage of the mess and what the construction crew are working to do now. Mark Rossberg, a neighbor of mine, sent in a footage of the actual damage close up before officers shooed him away.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What if...
But most of the time, the what ifs? are the ones you wish you did do. Like "What if we left earlier? Then she wouldn't have died." Regrets. Sadness. Guilt. All those are part of the what ifs.
Why is it that most of the time, the ones you don't really realize you treasure and will miss be gone first? I didn't realize how much she was to us until she went away.
I really wish I spent more time with her. That I didn't tease her that much. That I actually took care of her. That we gave her love that she wanted so much. The way she was left us...was unimaginable.
What if we arrived to the hospital earlier? What if we left to the courts instead of eating a bite first? What if we didn't even go outside? What if...what if...
They tell me it was meant to be. That she knew her time was up. But still, I'd rather her go peacefully. Not the way she did. What if I left before this happened? What if...
They tell me it's not my fault. That I couldn't have prevented this from happening. But I know I could've. I could've held her. I could've kept her inside. I could've...But I didn't. And guess what? Now she's gone.
The thing is, I still can't register that she's gone forever. Not just temporary. I'll never seen her again. Never hear her greet us. Never see her smiling face and wriggling body. Never again...
Sabrina, rest in peace. We'll miss you. I hope that in your next life, you'll be much happier. And be loved more than you were loved here. We miss you. R.I.P
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Memory of the Olden Days
Blue Tomorrow by Super Junior M is a GREAT song that made me think of how much I've changed since I was...5. Back then, all the music I heard was from the radio. Not so much time on the internet. Behind the Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson was my favorite song. Still is. Hilary Duff from Lizzie Mcguire. All those were part of my childhood.
The days when all I worried about was whether or not I had a good dinner. When all I cared about was Sunny. I didn't care what others thought of me. I didn't worry about homework and my future.
But as the days come quicker, years go by faster, and my future charging forward to meet me head to head, I start getting scared. I don't want to grow up this quickly. Half my friends already have SOME idea of what they want to do once they graduate. Me? I'm still clueless.
I want to try EVERYTHING. But things don't happen that way. "How many ten years are there in a lifetime?" Not enough.
Things fall apart. My friends, they're still "friends". But if you look closely, you can see that we aren't as closely knit as before. My music, my favorite bands. Super Junior - Hangeng left. Kibum's missing. Kangin's halfway in jail. DBSK - three members are set on leaving. And Fahrenheit, my first band, my inspiration, the one who led me onto this Kpop scene. Is both at fault and is not. Fault? My life is falling apart b/c I'm in this Kpop scene. I'm so ADDICTED to all this, I'm losing who I am inside. But Fahrenheit helped me connect to my roots. I learned their songs. Listened to the language. It helped me improve my Chinese.
But all this troubles, is it just me feeling it? I've tried MANY ways to help my friends remend our broken link. It's fallen onto death ears. We're all just sitting there, but we don't have that closeness anymore. I don't know who I am anymore either. I'm just another person, one who everyone finds adorable and amusing, but that's not exactly who I am. But because it's like that, I can't change. I act different, people ask me if something's wrong. I say nothing, they don't believe me.
I start seeing things different. I see everyone's flaws instead of their good traits. I cannot concentrate on anything anymore. I'm SO obsessed with this blogging. With this connection with people I've never even seen and don't even know. I'm ignoring everyone beside me. I'm glued to the computer.
When I was young, this never happened. But what now? Because of all the troubles OUTSIDE, in the real world, my mind turns to intangible things. To keep my mind off the mess I've created, to distract myself from reality. I'm not facing it. I have big dreams. But they're never completed. My stories? My fanfics? My site? It's all dying. Slowly. Because I'm so obsessed with keeping up with the race to the Kpop criminal scene. To all the first news. From now on, I'm going to back away.
Blogging, I'm going to keep. Reading about Kpop news, I'm going to cut back. Watching kpop shows, I'm going to stop. But who knows? I've fallen into such a habit that it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to stop.
I've quit Facebook. Maybe I can do the same with my addiction to Kpop. If it happens, the things I've worked so hard to build will be gone. What is this? 人生有幾多的十年啊?我應該做我想做的事吧.可是每次我說我要做,我都沒有哦.
如過我可以變成以前一樣,也留者我現在的我,那就會變得最好.大家,這應該我最後的entry. 可是我知道我會回來的。如過我不回來,那就是再見了。
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Week's Almost OVER!!!
So we're doing this movie thing in Mandarin. TOTALLY awesome. =D It'll be a "Visiting Friend" skit. So my friends and I are going to go EXTREMELY crazy.
Dude, it's going to be hilarious. We'll continue on with even better. So this will be for our grade. But if this is successful, we'll make our own gameshow. =D
We kinda already started hit, with throwing shoes up onto the roof and so on. We've invented games, wasted time in English to discuss what to play.
All we needed was an excuse to do it. Now we have it. What have we got to lose?
Monday, March 8, 2010
JYP is lying...Jaebeom being framed?
First of all, I just read that JYP and 2PM decided to throw Jay out after several months of decision. Now, KHottests are saying that JYP is lying and that he made up all of this to cover the "slave contract" post on Jay's myspace.
I'm so confused. What is really going on?
Park Jaebeom left Korean 4 days after his Myspace controversy came up and he received death threats. He left on a temporary HIATUS. But now, JYP is kicking Jay out permanently due to "even worse issues" that Jay did during the Again and Again promotions. During the press conference, JYP didn't state what Jay's "worse doing" was but said that it was a "private matter". If it was private, why in the world would he throw it out there?
For more people to bash and hate Jay so that he can't have a future in the entertainment industry anymore?
Ever since Jay left 2PM all their sales and fans diminished. I have this feeling that the rest of the 2PM boys have no idea that Jay's been banished forever. Just before this conference, they were saying how happy that Jay's going to come back and all that.
Could it be the post on JYP offering him a slave contract (for 10 years) on his Myspace with the "I Hate Koreans, They are gay" post? It might be, because after this controversy came up, JYP released a statement that they are different from other entertainment companies because they "don't have" the slave contracts.
Are these all lies? What will become of 2PM? Will they be 1:59PM forever, unable to count to 60 and turn into 2PM?
What Bipolar Weather!
Yep, a rainbow. GORGEOUS!!! <3 The sun's right behind me, so it's like a perfect view. I would take a picture...but it's fading away already. T_T There's still faint outline, but you wouldn't notice it if you saw it. Spent a VERY relaxing weekend. Wrote a long long 'post' for something else. Have lotsa homework to do. Some other things.
Oh yeah! SS Entertainment is recruiting, so...if you're interested, audition! =D
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
2009 was a bad year. What about 2010?
1) Earthquakes. The first bad one was May 12, 2009, in China. Then it continued and ended with Haiti's bad earthquake that basically destroyed it.
2) Bad year for Korean bands. I have a LOT to say about this. First of all, G-dragon's plagiarism. DBSK's lawsuit. Kangin's barfight. Hankyung suing SM. It was a bad year for mainly boy bands.
3) School problems. Little do you know, when you look back to all the "troubles" you had in elementary school or even middle school, they seem so MINOR compared to what I face now. Currently, things are better, but still, it's not the best. WAAAY back, the most I had to worry about was whether or not I got a good lunch. ;D
Now? It's EVERYTHING. It's SO troublesome.
T_T This is depressing me. I shall not go further into it. Bye bye.
我有個朋友,她非常奇怪。有時候,她是很開心的。 有時候,她想殺人。這個星期一,她突然不利我。我跟她説話,她就不開心的樣子對這我。我真的不知道我該做什麽。
我只可以説話。人是你做的。我不可以教你怎麽做人。我只想提醒你: “人生有多少個十年了?”
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Expected the unexpected
Too bad this veteran trainer from SeaWorld didn't do so. She probably didn't expect it. I wouldn't have either. Those killer whales are usually as tamed as puppies, but as with all domestic or wild animals, you never know what to expect.
According to the Business Insider, a female trainer had just finished announcing the show when one of the killer whales SHOT out the water, grabbed her by the waist, and started shakin' her like a dog with a cat.
According to Reuters, the report says the female trainer slipped and FELL in the whale holding tank and was fatally injured by one of the whales.
And guess what happened? Well, just like in the nursery rhyme in the end: "I don't know why she swallowed a horse...She's dead, of course."
The trainer's family must feel awful. My heart goes out to them, but as everything else in this world, nothing is always as it's supposed to be...except well, classes at school. They will always be boring. ;D
To watch a clip of this, click HERE.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I hate being sick...
Anyway, for the record, I have to say, I'm pretty awesome to have withstand being sick for so long. Doesn't help that I share a room with my sister who's currently blowing her nose off and I get hugs from people at school who's sneezing a tornado.
Still, I guess being sick is....sucky to put it that way. I sound like a moose. And I'm coughing like a maniac. Go figure.
However, good news: My speakers work again. Turns out I had accidentally uninstalled a SoundMax whatever. I just reinstalled it and Ta-da! my speakers work again. YES!!! ;)
Once again, it's raining. I'm hoping to get better before the weekend again because I'm going to the snow! Ye-ah! Fun. Still need to decide: Skiing or snowboarding? My last ski trip was AWESOME. Met some cute guys and all that. Ran over this snowboarder (WHO WAS GOING ACROSS WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN). Fun fun fun. Laters when I'm feeling better.
Singing out: To Mother - G.O.D
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Life is Full of Imperfect Things...just like burnt toast
Burnt Toast

When I was a little boy, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.
I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad.
I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
Yet, all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school.
I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
I got up from the table, and I heard my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast.
I'll never forget what he said. 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night, and asked if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Little Buddy, Momma had a hard day at work today and she's real tired.
Besides, a little burnt toast never hurt anyone! Life is full of imperfect things, and imperfect people.
Personally, I'm not the best at some things either.'
I've learned over the years that learning to accept each other's faults, and choosing to celebrate each other's differences, is one of the most important steps to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
This could be extended to any relationship because understanding is the base on which any relationship is built, be it husband-wife, parent-child, or in friendship.
Don't put the key to your happiness in anyone else's pocket but into your own. No one else can MAKE you happy; your happiness is a choice you make.
People will always forget what you do, they will forget what you say, but will never; ever forget the way you make them feel.
Disclaimer: Thanks to Memories of My Precious Life for the story.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New Year...Let's Start Afresh
Which means I'll be getting a new layout. =D And a whole buncha new stuff. ;)
New Years' Resolution?
I've got plenty. Amongst the gazillion, here are some:
1) Learn a new song every month
2) Pen spinning
3) Learn how to stack cups
Stacking cups seem SO awesome. That's going to be my goal. To learn how to stack them and get faster and faster.
Oh, and here's resolution #11: Learn a new COOL hobby each month. Or...until I finish the one before. Which in this case is stack cups.
So Hobby of the Month? Stack cups. Next month? Who knows. When the time comes, it'll all be realized.
So here's my blog of the "New Year." I'll attempt to blog at least once a week...if not everyday.
But here's this. So SEE YA~~~
Singing out: Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Cold day...raining AGAIN?!
It's another rainy day. First time in a few days. Supposedly, it's supposed to be raining the whole week. LIES!!!
Anyway, I've finished my CAHSEE. SO HARD. Ha, not. It was easier than the CST. I'm not kidding. I could've done that in FIRST GRADE. It's a total joke, so for all you freshmeat out there waiting to graduate high school, don't sweat about this.
You can draw HAND TURKEYS on the essay part of the English-Language Arts and STILL pass. And I'm gonna get in trouble for letting you guys know all this. ;) Oh well.
Where was I? Oh yeah, school. I've got SO much hw. Math is killing me. I thought it was Chem until now. Logs are the hardest things ever. Or....rather, they're actually not that hard.
OMG. I'm being so hypocritical now. Can't help that J.D. Salinger just died and we'd just finish reading Catcher in the Rye in English. It's a great book. If you haven't read it, you should read it. Holden Caulfield's your typical teenager with lots of problems. You might find him annoying, whining about 'phonies' and everyone in this 'goddam' world hates him, but once you read on, you can really relate to the stress and pressure you get as a student.
I've really got to start hw now, so I'm signing out!
Singing out - Super Junior: Twins
Thursday, January 28, 2010
OMG...state budget cuts suck...
Monday, January 25, 2010
I Promise You
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you got the memo from.
Sorry Sorry - Super Junior (Haha. Sorry, meaning: Not okay? ^_^)
Friends Forever (Graduation Song) - Vitamin C (not bad...I <3>
Twins - Super Junior (O.O well...I am kinda obsessed with my twin headed dragon tattoo. xD)
When I Fall - After School (What!? :D)
Don't Go Away - Super Junior T (...*blink blink*)
Say I Love You - Wonder Girls (well...hmm...=D)
Hug - DBSK (WHAT!? I'm...not a very huggy person...)
WHAT IS 2+2?
Romantic - SHINee ( couple [two people] + another couple [two people] = double date = romantic? haha.)
Call Me - Taegoon (O.O I'm kinda phonephobic...but okay...=D)
Lonesome Spirit - Fahrenheit (Heck yeah! He's waiting for ME to take away his loneliness. xD)
At Least You Still Have Me - Fahrenheit (...huh?)
Perhaps Love - Goong ( actress? this was from a drama...*hopes* :D)
Mazeltov - Child of Empire/Z:EA (wth? I don't even LIKE this song...why is it here?)
Foolish Courage - VENK (this is SO wrong...-.- Saying I'm foolishly getting married? O.o)
Miracle - Super Junior (TOTALLY!!! It IS a miracle. :D)
Don't Don - Super Junior (...I don't have one?)
Two Hearts - Changmin (I have two hearts...duh! I'm a Gemini, so I am actually two people with one body...okay, this is creepy. But awesome. :D)
Love Sick - FT Island (well...some of them are...)
Mirotic - DBSK (wth? what?)
Missing You - FT Island (TRUE!!! When I miss someone...maybe. :D)
Run Devil Run - Ke$ha (yes, scaring the devil / or telling him to run is highly amusing. xD)
Eat You Up - BoA (hmm...*awkward turtle* when i eat too much...?)
Angels - Withing Temptation (O.O Angels are going to come and get me and take me to heaven. Yay! =D)
Naturally - Selena Gomez (awesome. xD I'm gonna get married. Fun...*wink* Though my friends say I'm going to be the dominating one...O.O)
I Think I Love You - House OST (they THINK they love me? *hurt*)
A White Love Melody - S.H.E (is that a yes?)
Say You Love Me - S.H.E (so true!)
Love Without Feeling Guilty - Raymond Lam ( love without feeling guilty?...sure...)
Heard - Lara (umm...I "heard"____...they would love me. xD)
Willing to Not Love You - Arron Yan (WHAT!? *instant heartbreak*)
Just You - Super Junior KRY (Just my worst enemy turned friend? Meaning that no one else can do what you just did? ...there goes the chances! ;D)
我答應你 (I Promise You) - 動力火車 (I promise you I'll post this as I promise you. xD)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tornado Warning in...California?
Wrong. Just this week, two tornado warnings have been issued in the Contra Costa County, on Wed. it was in the Santa Clara county. Today, it was for East Contra Costa County. What is going on?
Just a few days earlier, I found out that there was a tornado in Marin? (I think?). Californians, beware. It used to be earthquakes...but now, tornadoes are whirling that way too. Oh no! But it's so exciting! More from mangoiice!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Finals...they suck
Yeah. That's because during finals week, we get out at 12:20 instead of the usual 3:05. =D But we have to take tests that are a BIG part of our 15-20% of our final semester grade.
So it's a big deal.
That's why this week is Dead Week, where we study/review ALL we've learned so far. Which truly sucks because I can't remember what we learned in the beginning of the year. Yeah. I doubt anyone else remembers it as well. >.<
But good thing: We get Monday off. And once finals are over, we get homework again. Thing is: Some teachers don't believe in Dead Week, so we still get hw. But it's not so much. Good thing about before finals: not much hw. We're too busy studying.
Which means I'm kinda slacking. Working on other things. Even my site, Sweet Lemon, doesn't need me right now, because my co web's taking care of it. But I started a new site, which already has 6 views! And I started last Sunday, the 3rd. Which is good....I only have two posts on it. The other two don't really count; they're like background info. Yupyup.
Anyways, that's all for now. Laters! Gotta cram and study for finals! Yikes!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
So that's an accomplishment. ;)
Next, just found out that Super Junior will be touring to Malaysia on March 20, 2010, 7pm. Super Junior's 2nd Asia Tour Super Show 2 Live. =D Though I don't live in Malaysia, it's still really cool. =D Movement from our boys!
So what's next? After that, there's nothing much left. *sigh* Still studying for finals...laters!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How A Teacher Grades...
So 77%, 65% and so on. Around those percentages. But I happen to have a solid B in that class. A 85.3%. Only 5 more percents and I get an A. is that possible? Unless she has a special grading system. Not that I'm complaining. =D
But the way teachers grade really mystifies me. They never have this certain order or something. *sigh* Am trying to find a way to get how teachers grade so I can have a good grade. B is not acceptable.
Must get A's!
BTW, I will be deleting the other blog, queengougou, so yeah. Bye bye!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Transferred Blog
I'm not naming any reasons, but this is it. This is my new blog. Please enjoy. I will NOT, I repeat, NOT, change urls anymore. =D
Scratch what I said earlier. It's not wordpress. I'm using blogspot. Unless I find it annoying. Then I'm going to wordpress. =D
Monday, January 4, 2010
Ideas about changing blogs
Seemingly, wordpress seems to work for me. I'm not quite sure why. So maybe I might switch. We'll see.
Here's the problem, I switch my blog urls WAAAY to much. This way, no one can find me. O.O Maybe I'll start one and stick to it. Again, we'll see.
If it is switched, here is the URL:
Mango Ice...hmm..yum. ;)
Or maybe mangopearl? I like mango ice better.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Bye Bye China, Back in America
I really am not adjusting back to the quiet and silent days of the US. In China, everywhere you go, there are lots of people. Sure, there's a lot of smokers and it's kinda dirty, but it's so much fun.
But I don't want to live there. Not yet. Until I'm done w/ high school, then maybe I'll move back. Coz school is too stressful there. College isn't. So I'm taking the easy way around. ;)
The title of the blog is not the right one now. Back then, last year, [OMG!!! It's 2010~~~] I had this stage of slight depression where I was feeling low. Now, it's a "whole new world~ a new fantastic place I never knew" okay done w/ Aladdin. ;) See? Even my mood is better. Probably since all the stress and pressure from school, drama from friends, and all that. ;)
I can't wait to go back. I <3ed it there. Back here, there seems to be something missing. All I can think of is China China China. (Oh and him, but yeah. ;))
I am still in the China timezone. And I thought today was Sunday when it's actually Saturday. Because in China, they're kinda a day ahead. So yeah.
I don't want to do hw. I refuse to think about it. But I need to. I cannot fall behind. Must not fall behind. Finals are coming. And so are the high school exit exams and CSTs. Oh god. Help me.