Music: Evergreen by DBSK
Everyone has good days and bad days. For me, I guess I'm just plain unlucky. I had a self-custom made bracelet that I wear to keep my "balance". I'm balanced all right, but with it on, it's a bad day for me. And it isn't the first time.
First of all, my Journalistic project went from HURRAY!!! to WTF!?! in a matter of seconds. We managed to scavenge most of it, but the interviews are messed up. Which REALLY sucks...because the rest was easy to redo. The interviews weren't. >.<
Next, [and I am still mortified] was in English. My "wonderful" Devil's Advocate teacher called on me. And believe me, she NEVER calls on me. >.<>.< I hate that class now. I never really loved it, but it was okay. And I HATE [emphasized] to answer questions in class. I should've done this instead, IF MY BRAIN (which so wonderfully malfunctions when I NEED it) was actually working. -.-' I normally would've replied "Sorry. But that's top secret." Instead I babbled a TOTALLY wrong answer. She had the decency to say, "Well, that's not exactly it." I wanted to bang my head against the desk and/or kill myself then and there.
I hate it SO much when you think of the greatest comebacks or things to do AFTER it has happened. *wails in misery* Thank GOD the class was only HALF full. AP Euro testing. Poor them.
Anyway, this week has been pretty on and off. I was asleep for a HUGE part of it. Really tired. I can't take anymore of it. I'm pretty sure I'll collapsed if I continue. TGIF.
Ending on a curious note, girls confuse me. Boys REALLY confuse me. And add them all together? I'm one big question mark. I understand most girls. After all, I am one. (Or am I? ;D) But guys? I can't. I tried. No success. They are like the perfect mint chocolate cake (that I so want to make) that cannot be perfected. I give up. If anyone wants to explain and clarify, please don't hesitate to help me out. I really would appreciate it. Thanks.
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