Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Screw you history. You and your facts and information.

Sometimes, I'd really like to crack a bottle over life's head for being such a pain in the butt. Yeah. But really, the problem is truly within yourself. Aw, great. Now I get to sound wishy-washy and become a philosopher. There goes my career as a professional stalker. :(

I just wish I didn't have to do all this. It's break, and for once I don't have any homework. Except for the fact that I'm not doing so well in my history class and need to study for the test when we come back from break. :'( If only break was like, i dunno, forever. :)

I mean, school's fun, but really? I've spent a century in school already. I've lived in three decades, two centuries, and two millenia.../and I'm not even twenty yet! And truth be told, I've spent a major portion of that time in school. So if the world does end in 2012, which would suck coz I really would've spent a whole life in school, I'm not going to sit back and let life hit me back. I'm gonna sucker punch it and do what I want. Oh yeah, there's my declaration of independence. Take that, Washington.

Truthfully, I have nothing against Washington. Or any of the presidents...well maybe some of them. But I don't want to learn history just so "we don't make the same mistakes our ancestors did". Bull****.
In the history book (which is right in front of me), I've already read about duplicate wars, compromises, and other things THAT HAS HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE. And I'm not even to the 1900s yet! So if THEY can make the same "mistakes" why do we have to work so hard to "TRY NOT TO MAKE THEM AGAIN?" Really, it's all just bull.

So now my fellow history friends, I, whois dying in some way or the other over history, will like to fight back and "kill it with my awesome". Take that history. And your facts. And nuggets. AND STAY IN THE GRAVE BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE.


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