That's when you are finally free. Free of what, it doesn't matter. You can be free of school work, free of drama, free to do whatever you want. It doesn't matter what you are free of, as long as you are free. That is when you truly start living.
I was looking through old text messages and letters from an old flame of mine and that was when I realized...I just didn't care what it had to say. I was able to extract myself from the emotional mess of a circle I've been in for the past many months and finally see the world clear for the first time. That was powerful. It was empowering. I was in control of myself. I was in control.
No more emotional rollercoasters for me. No more sudden mood swings, little things that reminded me of him. I deleted all messages. I erased his existence from my phone. From my computer. From my life. That feeling was amazing.
No more chains holding me down. It was like I put myself in a cage...and just walked around with it around me. I was holding myself back, wallowing in self pity and misery. I was basically an emotional zombie.
Now, everything's changed. I simply grew up, I suppose. I didn't try to push myself to feel a certain way, I simply let things just happen. There was no special formula or something different I did. Simply, I just let time do its thing. Things get better, no matter how bad they seem now.
If you're at the bottom of the well, there's only one way to go and that is up. If all you see is darkness, there is a circle of light somewhere. Never let one fallback keep you from standing up again. You fall down? You will get right back up and dust yourself off. You cage yourself in? You will pick that lock and free yourself. Why? Because we can, and we will. We will be free.

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