Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Okay, I've always seen those cute and absolutely adorable doggie calendars and notebooks. Now, I know how much work they go through to take them.

So, this week is Halloween. In my photo class, we're having a Halloween photo contest with the themes being: Gory, Humor, Costume, Sweets, etc.

I LOVE my dog to death so I decided to use him as my model. (Just so you know, he's absolutely photogenic and LOVES being prettied. He runs towards me everytime he sees me with the camera and would sit right in front of me. He's such a sweetie. =D) Back on topic, I was trying to get him to behave when I put a party hat on him, but Frisky, being the naughty girl she was, pulled it off every time. Sunny got annoyed and decide to pick a fight. They wrecked the hat and also a lei I put on him.

That was in the afternoon. When I fed them later, I locked Frisky out. I put Sunny in a Home Depot apron and he looked so adorable. But he kept on moving about, so I got out a treat. That's when the world turned upside down.

Sunny saw the food. He went CRAZY. No, I'm not exaggerating. If he was hyper before, this was like he was on doggie steriods. No kidding. He FLEW all over the place, hopping up and down. He kicked the carpet away (I had him sit on a carpet w/ a 'Happy Halloween' sign in front), crumpled the sign, and basically was crawling on me. >.< He's not that light.

Finally, we got him to sit still for a few seconds. I also had to worry about my camera running out of batteries (it drains them like crazy. =.='). It took a LONG time. I'm not sure if they turned out right. I'll have check tomorrow at school.

What a crazy day. Taking pictures of animals is already hard. Imagine having to FILM one!

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