Now, if you going to one of the main "movie" places in the world, you MUST go to one of their studios: Universal Studios.
Now, I have to admit, it's nothing like Disneyland or Six Flags. There's like two roller coasters, tops. And they aren't the full out, into-the-sky-and-upside-down kinds. They were more like simulations that last 5 minutes, maybe and wait for about 5 minutes to ride. Short and quick.
They had PLENTY of behind-the-scenes movie thing. Duh, it's Universal. What else would you expect? It's movies. TV shows, whatever you see on TV, it's probably done at Universal Studios. Maybe not everything, but y'know, most of it is.
Went to Waterworld, great show. Be prepared to get wet though. :) Here's the cast:
Universal Studios, famous for movie sets, all that Hollywood schadaddle. Now here's a few pics that I think you'll enjoy. :)
(^This guy, he's real. No kidding. I saw him sitting outside a cafe in Universal, still doing the creepy still thing. But he's real. He waved and nodded. O.O)
Now, I didn't just go to LA for the fun stuff. You need to balance a happy and carefree time with the dreaded school necessities. Yes, I know. I wasn't all that happy (actually, I'm lying. I was pretty excited. :D) But it was totally worth the trip.
UC Irvine
Their buildings were absolutely unique. Each building was different. They had this engineering building that was built by the students themselves. It had an inverted pyramid and was a clear glass building. Absolutely gorgeous in a sunny day. And if it's not sunny, it gives a mysterious/spooky feeling - imagine on a cloudy/rainy day and you're inside the building. The rain splattering against the glass, the wind howling as you are huddled inside. Oh yeah, I should be writing horror/scary novels. :)
Here are a few more random pics from Irvine. The residences around UCI had very strange names. Or rather, they had names of other unis, such as Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford.
Well, the main point of the trip was to visit colleges, but if you're going down to LA, you can NOT miss out on Hollywood or Disneyland. Except I kinda did. :'( I fail at directing or even using a GPS and we went to Universal Studios instead of Disneyland. I prefer Disney over Universal, but since the tickets were free, I can't really complain.
And something else? LA traffic is HORRID. And their carpool lanes are weird. Their signs are weird. "Humps ahead" instead of "Bump ahead". *smirks* I'm so immature. :)
And that is all I have to say. Here's some random pics of LA. I really like it there. :) Maybe I'll go there and then I'll be hanging with the profs during the day and getting groovy with the stars at night. :) Who knows, a girl can dream can't she?
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