Hey, nice to see you all again. Guess what? I'm alive. I know. Shocking right?
It's been about a month since school's been over. Life is so mellow...but there really isn't enough time. So why am I even wasting more time? I dunno...maybe because I'm a NORMAL person?
I have a few works I'd like to show everyone. I'm just not sure where to put it. Here? Or somewhere else? I did have blog JUST for stuff like that....what happened to it?
So many things have been going on. Come romance, go romance. Come school, go school. Currently I'm playing a courtship dance. Isn't that exciting?!?! :)
Sorry. I was lying. There's no courting and no one's courting anyone. I was just playing. Which brings to what happened today: The security guard at my work place was like "Are you waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up?" Uh...heh, no. I wish, but no. And he was all like, what? You don't have a boyfriend? It was pretty funny. Awkward, but funny. Oh! Just like the awkward funny blurb I wrote for my radio show. Yep, now that's another story for another day.
That's all for n o w. I will now go and do some actual work or else this "I'm Alive" will turn into "RIP me". So, peace and good luck.