Ugh, life sucks. >.< Naw, not really. It's actually not that bad. I hate sunburns. Absolutely DETEST them. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET SUNBURNS ON YOUR FRICKIN' LIP!? Ugh. Hit me.
So now, my lip is basically split in half and it's not pretty, lemme tell you that.
Procrastinating...when will I get off my lazy butt and do something? Grr...anyway, I really need to get SL back on track. By the way, meet Kai, now all pretty and dressed up in pink diamonds and cover. <3
Guitar's almost over. Cute guy in the class, too bad he's not single. *shrug* Anywho, I still haven't gotten my permit yet which sucks because I'm getting in trouble. And what else? Tennis is awesome. Love that class.
Gotta go to guitar now. Later. Peace.
Last complaint: When I used Facebook, no one used it. Now that I swore off Facebook, guess what? EVERYONE'S using it....I hate you all.