Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Parental Anger(management?)

Scenario: You're just doing your homework when your father storms up and starts yelling at you. You don't know why. You talk back to him, telling him that you're just doing your homework. He yells and says that that's not what you're doing.

What the heck? What is wrong with them? Sometimes, I believe that they need to calm down and think before they yell at us.

That's is similar to my own scenario, though it's not the same. I just don't understand why they just get mad. Maybe fathers PMS too? Haha.

School's a chore. I seriously believe that the reason we have to go to school is to make sure we don't plan an invasion and take over the world. I'm SO positive that's the reason why we have to go to school. See, each school year is 180 days. One year has 365. That's basically half a year we're in school.

And if you multiply that by...[counts]...12 grades (not counting kindergarten or preschool) - each grade is half a year. 12 grades is...6 years.

And we start first grade around...6? So that would be approximately 12 years we spend in school. That's a lot.

That's not counting college. College is 4 years. So that would be...16 years in school. Sometimes, we take MORE than 4 years in college. Sometimes we go BACK to college. Our life is spent SO much around school...I believe that's indoctrination and keeping us from ruling the world. >.< I shall rebel and overthrow the dictator. *mwahahaha*

Back to the topic. As if we aren't stressed at all. Parents get mad when THEY are stressed at work. They believe that they have it the hardest, that we, as children, have it easier. It's TOTALLY wrong. There's so much drama at school, homework, teacher conflicts, etc., it never seems to end.

So what is it? What is the problem? We all have our own problems to deal with. Why do we take it out on others? Why do we burden others with our OWN problems?

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